Nursing & Midwifery

The Northern Sydney Local Health District Nursing and Midwifery Research Centre located within the Kolling Institute provides support, training and consultation to enable nurses and midwives to conduct research, undertake practice development and innovate within our health care systems. Our work in the centre focuses on supporting our colleagues to provide the highest possible quality care and treatment through inquiry, analysis and implementation of the best available evidence.

Comprising a large proportion of the health workforce, nurses and midwives have a key role in the care and treatment of patients and women in Northern Sydney Local Health District. Their research and innovation in all specialities and services is diverse and impactful.

Professor Margaret Fry, RN, PhD

Professor of Nursing, University of Technology Sydney and Adjunct Professor of Nursing, Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney.

Director Research and Practice Development Nursing and Midwifery Directorate, Northern Sydney Local Health District.

NSLHD Nursing and Midwifery Research Committee: Professor Tom Buckley, Julie Curran, Dr Rosalind Elliott, Professor Robyn Gallagher, Claire Harris, Susan Gilbert, Suzy Glover, Shin Hwa Kang-Breen, Dr Sandra Lever, Louise Luscri, Dr Sue Monaro, Professor Julie Pryor, Professor Michael Roche, Nicola Straiton, Emma Underwood, Claire Dunn - Secretariat.

There are over 60 research studies currently underway across the Northern Sydney Local Health District where nurses or midwives are named investigators. A selection is presented here:

1. Building future clinical leaders’ capacity to be reflective, evidence-based change agents: An early career program framework (NSW Ministry of Health Nurse Strategy Grants 2020) Fry M, Elliott R

2. Person-centred care for people with dementia in the acute care setting (Research Grant Scheme The University of Notre Dame 2019) Chenoweth L, Williams A, Fry M, Laplan S

3. Incorporating clinical informatics to describe the electronic prescribing practices of Nurse Practitioners in Northern Sydney Local Health District to enhance patient safety and quality of care (NSW Ministry of Health Nursing Innovation Grant 2019) Fry M, Lutze M

4. The implementation of a television wellness channel: a feasibility study, (NSLHD Innovation Program Grant 2019) Russell S, Barnes C, Ripley V

5. The impact of a telephone helpline on emergency department and hospital avoidance, mortality and morbidity rates and patient satisfaction (NSLHD Innovation Program Grant 2018) Oatley M, Fry M

6. Oli™ pilot study – ensuring the Oli™ technology is developed to work best for all users in pregnancy and labour monitoring, De Vroome M

Selected publications 2019

1. Davis, M., Elliott, R., Hills, R., & Fry, M. (2019). Single-Room Ward Design and Its Impact on Service and Patient Outcomes: An Evaluation Study. Orthop Nurs, 38(5), 317-325. doi:10.1097/nor.0000000000000593

2. Elliott, R., Martyn, L., Woodbridge, S., Fry, M., Foot, C., & Hickson, L. (2019). Development and Pragmatic Evaluation of a Rapid Response Team. Crit Care Nurs Q, 42(3), 227-234. doi:10.1097/cnq.0000000000000263

3. Fry, M., Abrahamse, K., Kay, S., & Elliott, R. M. (2019). Suicide in older people, attitudes and knowledge of emergency nurses: A multi-centre study. International Emergency Nursing, 43, 113-118. doi:10.1016/j.ienj.2019.01.003

4. Harris, M., Fry, M., & Fitzpatrick, L. (2019). A clinical process redesign project to improve outcomes and reduce care variance for people with Parkinson's disease. Australasian Emergency Care, 22(2), 107-112. doi:10.1016/j.auec.2019.02.001

5. Jala, S., & O'Brien, E. (2019). Treatment With Intravenous Alteplase for Acute Ischemic Stroke After Reversal of Dabigatran With Idarucizumab: A Case Study. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 51(1), 21-25. doi:10.1097/jnn.0000000000000412

6. Jepson, T., O’Hara, T., Monaro, S. (2019). Case Study: Collaboration across the Care Continuum to Improve the Patient Experience. EWMA Journal, 26(4), 182-187.

7. Jones, C., Fraser, J., & Randall, S. (2019). An evaluation of training to prepare nurses in a home-based service to care for children and families. Journal of Child Health Care. doi:10.1177/1367493519881572

8. McKechnie, D., Pryor, J., McKechnie, R., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Predictors of Readmission to Acute Care from Inpatient Rehabilitation: An Integrative Review. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12179

9. Pryor, J., & Fisher, M. (2019). An examination of the CCRQ as a measure of person-centred rehabilitation. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), 22-26.

10. Tyndall, A., Bailey, R., & Elliott, R. (2019). Pragmatic development of an evidence-based intensive care unit–specific falls risk assessment tool: The Tyndall Bailey Falls Risk Assessment Tool. Australian Critical Care. doi:

11. Varndell, W., Hodge, A., & Fry, M. (2019). Triage in Australian emergency departments: Results of a New South Wales survey. Australasian Emergency Care, 22(2), 81-86. doi:

12. Yeung, H. Y., Iyer, P., Pryor, J., & Nicholson, M. (2019). Dietary management of neurogenic bowel in adults with spinal cord injury: an integrative review of literature. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-12. doi:10.1080/09638288.2019.1652702


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